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About Us

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Welcome to The Norton College of Medicine, where we are committed to creating a vibrant and diverse learning environment that is dedicated to education, research, and compassionate healthcare. We embrace the diversity of our campus and the communities in which we serve and seek to improve health access and equity. To enhance the educational mission of the Norton College of Medicine, the Community Engaged Learning Program (CELP) supports students, faculty, and community stakeholders in collaborative initiatives that promote community health and enhance the education and training of our medical students. 

Community Engaged Learning (CEL) is an important part of our medical school curriculum designed to expose students to the challenges facing underserved communities to complement coursework and strengthen not only medical skills, but also empathy, compassion, and a commitment to improving the health of the community. CEL differs from the traditional role of volunteering because it integrates meaningful community partnerships with instruction and critical reflection to enrich the student learning experience and outcomes and promote community health, and social responsibility. Through this formalized program, all medical students are provided the infrastructure to complete their required 30/40 hours of CEL by graduation.

Only programs, experiences, and opportunities sponsored or approved by the CELP and listed on Noblehour will count towards the 30- or 40-hour CEL requirement. Each program, experience, and opportunity has been designed and structured to meet the CEL graduation competencies and EPOs. All NCOM students must log and track their hours regularly to ensure that they are meeting the required number of hours before graduation.

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